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Finding a collegiate team to play for can seem daunting. Below are resources I believe you would find helpful.

Steps to finding a team:

1. Be Recruitable - Work hard to gain the attributes a coach would look for
2. Build a Resume - A resume is a great way to show who you are
3. Find the Right Program - Look at the options and filter out a good fit for you
4. Be Persistent -  Contacting coaches can be difficult


1. Be Recruitable

Main things coaches want:
Controllable: Skill, Weight, Fast, GPA, SAT, Look the Part, Community Service
Uncontrollable: Height
Start working on the things you can control via goal-setting and hard work.

2. Build a Resume

When I coached NCAA, this resume structure was my favorite. Now it is accessible to you.

3. Find the Right Program

4. Be Persistant in Contacting Coaches

Reach out via e-mail, phone calls, showing up at the school, going to games, meet and greets, and going to the team's summer clinics. You will also need to fill out each school's recruitment questionnaire.

Recruiting Rules:

Submit Questions for College Prep Seminar:


"Every hurdle overcame is a platform of confidence to launch off later" - Gregory Enloe